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Advances in Numerical Computation:
A Workshop in Honour of Sven Hammarling
July 5, 2011

This workshop presents recent advances in several areas of numerical computation. It is being held to honour Sven Hammarling on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Sven is a Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the Numerical Analysis Group at the University of Manchester and a Principal Consultant at NAG.

Attendees at this workshop may also be interested in the workshop Advances in Model Order Reduction, which is being held in the same location on the following day, July 6, 2011.


List of speakers:

The meeting is organised by:
Last modified: January 11, 2012 12:30:08 PM GMT.

MIMS The University of Manchester - School of Mathematics - Oxford Road- Manchester - M13 9PL - UK

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