Past Meetings and Prize Winners
Fifteenth Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Manchester 27 June, 2011.First Prize:
- Yuji Nakatsukasa (University of California, Davis).
- Ben Adcock (Simon Fraser University)
- Arnulf Jentzen (Princeton University)
- Richard Norton (University of Oxford)
- Bart Vandereycken (ETH)
- Konstantinos Zygalakis (University of Oxford)
- Brian Sutton (Randolph-Macon College)
- Stefano Giani (Nottingham University)
- Daan Huybrechs (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
- Armin Lechleiter (CMAPX, Polytechnique)
- Colin B. Macdonald (Mathematics, UCLA)
- Liuqiang Zhong (Xiangtan University)
Thirteenth Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Oxford 22 June, 2007.
First Prize:- Ioana Dumitriu (University of Washington)
- Yoichiro Mori (University of British Columbia)
- Timo Betcke (University of Macnchester)
- Laurent Demanet (Stanford University)
- Daniel Kressner (University of Zagreb)
- Emre Mengi (UC San Diego)
- Sheehan Olver (University of Cambridge)
Twelfth Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Dundee 27 June, 2005.
First Prize:- Roland Opfer (Universität Göttingen)
- Paul Tupper (McGill University)
- Lehel Banjai (MPI, Leipzig)
- Coralia Cartis (University of Oxford)
- Johan Hoffman (Chalmers University)
- Fabio Nobile (Politecnico di Milano)
- Adam Oberman (Simon Fraser University)
Eleventh Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Cambridge 20 June, 2003.
First Prize:- Jared Tanner (University of California at Davis)
- Melvin Leok (California Institute of Technology)
- Adam Oberman (University of Texas)
- Marc Schweitzer (Universität Bonn)
- Tatjana Stykel (University of Calgary)
- Boris Vexler (Universität Heidelberg)
Tenth Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Oxford 22 June, 2001.
First Prize:- Anna-Karin Tornberg (KTH Stockholm)
- Tilo Arens (Brunel University)
- Begona Cano (University of Valladolid)
- Eric Darve (Stanford University)
- Jing-Rebecca Li (Courant Institute NYU)
- Dominik Schötzau (University of Minnesota)
- Divakar Viswanath (University of Chicago)
Ninth Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Dundee 28 June, 1999.
First Prize:- Niles Pierce (Caltech)
- Reha Tütüncü (Carnegie-Mellon)
- Aurelian Bejancu (Cambridge)
- Vincent Heuveline (Heidelberg)
- Paul Houston (Oxford)
- Ross Lippert (Sandia National Laboratories)
Eighth Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Dundee 23 June, 1997.
First Prize:- W. Sweldens (Bell Labs)
- T.A. Driscoll (Boulder)
- V. Simoncini (Pavia)
- E. de Sturler (Zurich)
- R.H. Tütüncü (Carnegie-Mellon)
- A. Zanna (Cambridge)
- T. Zhang (Stanford)
Seventh Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Dundee 26 June, 1995.
First Prize:- A. Hill (Bath)
- X-W. Chang (McGill)
- L. Jay (Minnesota)
- Y. Liu (Cambridge)
- K-C. Toh (Cornell)
- D. Wang (Purdue)
Sixth Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Oxford 24 June, 1993.
First Prize:- Y. Li (Cornell)
- A. Edelman (Berkeley)
- D.J. Higham (Dundee)
- Z. Jia (Bielefeld)
- P. Lin (Oxford)
- R. Mathias (Minneapolis)
Fifth Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Dundee 24 June, 1991.
First Prize:- C.J. Budd (Bristol)
- J.F.B.M. Kraaijevanger (Leiden)
- J. Levesley (Coventry)
- P.D. Loach (Bristol)
- B.F. Smith (Argonne)
- H. Zha (Stanford)
Fourth Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Cambridge 4 September, 1989.
First Prize:- M. Buhmann (Cambridge)
- B.R.L. DeMoor (Stanford)
- A.M. Stuart (Bath)
- M. Ainsworth (Durham)
- R.H. Chan (Hong Kong)
- A. Edelman (MIT)
- D.J. Higham (Toronto)
Third Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Imperial College. 28 March, 1988.
First Prize:- N.J. Higham (Manchester)
- T. Hagstrom (SUNY, Stony Brook)
- P.T. Harker (Univ of Pennsylvania)
- I.R.H. Jackson (Cambridge)
- T. Tang (Leeds)
Second Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Imperial College. 5 September, 1986.
First Prize:- J.W. Demmel (Courant)
- N.I.M. Gould (Harwell)
- J.L. Barlow (Penn State)
- J. Scott (Oxford)
- A.J. Wathen (Bristol)
First Leslie Fox Prize Meeting. Imperial College. 30 August, 1985.
First Prize:- L.N. Trefethen (MIT)
- N.J. Higham (Manchester)
- S.P.J. Matthews (Dundee)
- P.K. Sweby (Reading)
- Y. Yuan (Cambridge)
Chairpersons of adjudicating committee
- First: Mike Powell
- Second: Ron Mitchell
- Third: John Reid
- Fourth: Bill Morton
- Fifth: John Mason
- Sixth: Nancy Nichols
- Seventh: Charlie Elliott
- Eighth: Christopher Baker
- Ninth: Iain Duff
- Tenth: Nick Trefethen
- Eleventh: Arieh Iserles
- Twelfth: Alastair Spence
- Thirteenth: Endre Süli
- Fourteenth: Andrew Stuart
- Fifteenth: Nick Higham
- Sixteenth: Mark Ainsworth