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Logic Colloquium 2012 - University of Manchester, 12th-18th July 2012

The University of Manchester
LC2012 participants (click for larger image)

Logic Colloquium 2012, under the auspices of the Association for Symbolic Logic, was hosted by the University of Manchester. It incorporated the 2012 meeting of the British Logic Colloquium.

The meeting was funded by the Association for Symbolic Logic, the British Logic Colloquium, the London Mathematical Society and the Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences. It formed one of a series of events around the country celebrating Alan Turing Year. Additional support for participants was provided by the ASL and the US National Science Foundation.

Last modified: August 11, 2012 2:35:48 PM BST.

MIMS The University of Manchester - School of Mathematics - Oxford Road- Manchester - M13 9PL - UK

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