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MODNET Summer School

Manchester, 14-18th July 2008

A meeting of the research training network in Model Theory MODNET

MODNET is an FP6 Marie Curie Research Training Network in Model Theory and its Applications, funded by the European Commission under contract number MRTN-CT-2004-512234

The summer school will consist of two short courses,
Finite Model Theory (A. Dawar)
Groups of Finite Morley Rank (J. Burdges),
each of around 5-6 lectures and supported by tutorials,
plus lectures by current and former MODNET research students and postdoctoral fellows and others.

(A MATHLOGAPS training workshop will take place place in Manchester the previous week; this is quite distinct but possibly of interest to some participants.)


14-18th July (arrival day 13th July)
Talks will begin in the morning of Monday July 14th and will run until the afternoon of Friday July 18th. Accommodation is available on Friday night for those not leaving that day.

NOTE!!: If you require accommodation then you must let us know your requirements as soon as possible.


Information on registration and payment.


Lectures will be held in the School of Mathematics, Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK


Accommodation, in single en-suite rooms, is available at Dalton-Ellis Hall at a cost of £38.50 per night.

Queries may be sent to; they may also be sent to the conference organiser, Mike Prest, at

Maps and Directions to the School of Mathematics

Maps of Campus, Accommodation sites, City

For arrival information see under "accommodation" on the sidebar.

Last modified: January 11, 2012 12:30:08 PM GMT.

MIMS The University of Manchester - School of Mathematics - Oxford Road- Manchester - M13 9PL - UK

For further information contact, tel: +44 (0)161 275 5812 or visit