You are here: MIMS > events > workshops and conferences > MOPNET4 > venue & registration


All talks will take place in the Frank Adams Rooms in MIMS in the Alan Turing Building at the University of Manchester. The building is 20 minutes walk from the city centre and 15 minutes walk from Piccadilly or Oxford Road train stations.

Directions to MIMS are available.



If you would like to attend the meeting, please fill out the registration form and email it to Sebastian Rees.

The registration fee is £20 for non-MOPNET members. Members of MOPNET and invited speakers do not need to pay a registration fee or for the conference dinner (but do still need to register).

Non-MOPNET members requiring accommodation should refer to the accommodation page for further information and will need to book accommodation themselves.

Credit/debit card payment forms are available here.

Deadline: Monday 18th April 2011

Last modified: January 11, 2012 12:30:09 PM GMT.

MIMS The University of Manchester - School of Mathematics - Oxford Road- Manchester - M13 9PL - UK

For further information contact, tel: +44 (0)161 275 5812 or visit