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MIMS Workshop on
New Directions in Statistics in Industry
September 16, 2008

This workshop is part of the MIMS New Directions series of workshops taking place in the Manchester Institute of Mathematical Sciences at the School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, and is funded by the Institute. It will focus on new statistical challenges in the pharmaceutical industry and NHS. The School of Mathematics has invited the following highly respected experts to give talks: For more details, consult the programme of the workshop, brief biographies of the speakers and abstracts of their talks.

The workshop is limited to about 60 participants. Please e-mail if you wish to attend. Places are allocated on the first come first served bases.

For each external participant, a registration fee 5 pounds will be charged, which includes tea/coffee/biscuits at session breaks. To register please complete and return the Registration form.

Organizers: Alex Donev and Jianxin Pan.

Last modified: January 11, 2012 12:30:08 PM GMT.

MIMS The University of Manchester - School of Mathematics - Oxford Road- Manchester - M13 9PL - UK

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