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Friday 7th January 2011, Frank Adams Rooms, Alan Turing Building.

10:00-10:40 Tea/coffee and registration

10:40-10:45 Opening

10:45-11:30 Nick Trefethen (University of Oxford):
Robust rational interpolation and least-squares

11:30-12:15 Peter Jimack (Leeds University):
On the Development of an H-P-Refinement Strategy Based Upon Error Estimate Sensitivity

12:15-12:30 Business Meeting

12:30-12:35 Manchester SIAM Student Section Announcement

12:45-14:00 Lunch/Poster Session

14:00-14:45 Beatrice Pelloni (University of Reading):
Boundary value problems and integrability: a Riemann-Hilbert approach

14:45-15:30 Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin):
Computation of Stability Exponents and Leading Directions for Constrained Dynamical Systems

15:30-16:00 Tea/Coffee

16:00-16:45 Simon Arridge (University College London):
Modelling and Reconstruction in non-linear Tomography

16:45-17:30 Mark Panitz (BAE Systems):
Modelling Electromagnetic Performance of Large Structures

18:30 Dinner


Last modified: January 11, 2012 12:30:09 PM GMT.

MIMS The University of Manchester - School of Mathematics - Oxford Road- Manchester - M13 9PL - UK

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