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UK-Japan Winter School
Integrable Systems and Symmetry
University of Manchester, 7-10 January 2010

The UK-Japan Winter Schools have been held since 1999. Every year the focus is on a special topic. For the next Winter School the topic will be "Integrable Systems and Symmetry". The aim of the School is to bring together Japanese and UK scientists, in particular also young researchers and students from mathematics and mathematical physics, in a relaxing and stimulating atmosphere.

Previous UK-Japan Winter Schools:

1999: Differential Geometry
2000: Harmonic Maps
2001: Ergodic Theory
2003: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
2004: Geometry and Analysis Towards Quantum Theory
2005: Geometric, Spectral, and Stochastic Analysis
2006: Dynamics and Arithmetics
2007: Number Theory
2008: Algebraic and Symplectic Geometry
2009: Dynamics and Complexity


This event is supported by MIMS, CIMS-Keio, DAJF and The British Council



There will be a "Tokyo-Manchester Postgraduate Mathematics Conference" on 11 January. Students who would like to apply to give a short presentation should contact James Montaldi (j.montaldi at or Martin Guest (martin at

Applications are welcome from beginners to advanced students, in any area of mathematics, although priority will be given to areas related to the theme of the winter school.

Click here for further information.


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Last modified: January 11, 2012 12:30:08 PM GMT.

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