You are here: MIMS > events > workshops and conferences > NHTT08 > overview


The Manchester Toric Topology Page explains how the School has played a major role in the identification and expansion of the subject over the last decade. This conference is the latest addition to our continuing programme of activities, and has two official objectives:

1) to broaden the horizons of the rapidly developing subject of Toric Topology

2) to involve and enthuse the UK mathematical community by encouraging interaction with related disciplines.

We are particularly interested in strengthening links with symplectic geometry, convex geometry, differential topology, equivariant topology, and all aspects of homotopy theory.

The programme will be constructed around eight plenary lectures, and a number of other invited talks. There will also be several poster sessions, which we view as especially important for the stimulation of discussion and interaction.

The deadline for registration is Friday 2nd May 2008.

Get your full-colour conference poster here

Get directions to the School and your campus map here; Weston Hall is number 11 and the Alan Turing Building is number 46.

At last, we have conference administrator Lucy van Russelt in post! If you have any queries please email Lucy at


You may also call her on +44 (0)161 306 3641

Last modified: May 20, 2008 3:47:31 PM BST.